Saturday, 24 September 2011

Healthcare: Only for the rich?

BioBusiness - Commercial activity based on an understanding of life science processes
It was brought into perspective how they have very diverse aims, but they all actually come from the same source, based on one blueprint called DNA. Biobusiness branches out into many areas, and we took an in-depth look into the biomedical field, which is towards humans. 

The dilemma in healthcare?
The unfortunate thing about healthcare, is that it is being run as a business. Why is healthcare being listed as a biobusiness? It just seems that the target group is no longer geared towards the needs of the people, but more towards how it can be exploited as a business. The once noble intentions of doctors are now being "tainted" by profits it can make. People's lives are now being determined by how much they can pay if they live.

At the end of the day, one of the reasons why healthcare has progressed so far is undeniably due to the amounts of money that has been poured into it. Perhaps, the opportunity cost of losing that one individual, can be channeled into saving thousands of others.

That is the dilemma of healthcare, deciding where the money and time should be invested into. This can be further seen in the inefficiencies of healthcare currently faces:

1. In actual development of healthcare, due to the high costs, low profits nature.
The private sector is uninterested in the field of healthcare, due to the high barriers to entry such as infrastructure and R&D. 

2. In getting healthcare to its desired audience.
In areas which are more prone to diseases, such as Africa, are spending roughly US$10 per year on Healthcare. A bottle of medicine over the counter in US, already easily costs US$20.

3. The influx of funds into healthcare is being misallocated
US is spending half the world amount in R&D the healthcare, but most of that is due to the administration of healthcare. It was pretty horrifying to find out that it costs more to get the bottle of medicine over the counter, than it even is to manufacture that product!

This has led me to question healthcare's affordability versus its practicality. Are those who are rich and affluent, the only ones who are able to access healthcare? Why is it that technology seems to be directed towards a different aim than that which it should be going towards? Why is so much money being spent on improving healthcare, when we cannot even provide a basic umbrella of healthcare services for those who need it? That is something we should really ponder about. Is healthcare a right, or a privilege?

Nevertheless, it was interesting to see how technology has brought about so many improvements as compared to the healthcare of old, and how extensive and pervasive technology is in all areas of our everyday life. Most importantly, it was interesting to see how my mindset regarding dreams and reality has changed, when we look at how advanced technology can be in the area of disease management. Being able to look at things in a critical manner, and say that yes, nothing is impossible, is especially crucial in today's context.  Today, limits are those that only you set for yourself.

In allowing myself to dream, we can clearly see where traditional healthcare can still be improved in. Currently, the healthcare industry is still unable to effectively reach out to its customer base. I strongly believe that if Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is applied to this aspect, and not only within healthcare industry professionals, we would see many problems being solved in healthcare. Many problems that healthcare cannot do, can be actually be done at the rate technology is progressing.

Overall, I would rate this session an 8/10. I used to think that everything was fine and nothing CAN be changed, but now I know everything CAN be changed, its just a matter of time. Like prof said, the only constant is change!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Happy Birthday!

Dear Internet,

First of all, Happy 22nd Birthday this year!

You have come a long way since 1989. I realize that not many people recognize your impact on this place we call 'home', and that is why this entire post is purely dedicated to you. I hope you like it!

Do you still remember the times when you were still an infant? 
(1989 - 1996)
We used to give you the nickname 'Web 1.0' as you entered the first stage of your wonderful life. You looked so cute then, still taking your starting steps, slowly growing bigger by the day. You used to be so dependent on us to provide you with everything, be it time invested in nurturing you, or introducing new concepts to you. You started shaping up, and forming your own place in this world. We knew then, that you had the potential to become something great in the future.

Those days, were the days when the value of ‘Information’ started to be realized, a time of discovery for both you and I. As I taught you new stuff, you taught me stuff as well. I realized that there were still so many other things which I could learn from you, from the small habits you had to the fulfilling life lessons, just from observing the different ways you connected with the people around you.

However, I secretly hoped that you would grow up fast. I had so much to learn from you, but you haven't learnt how to speak yet. There was no way to communicate with you, and sometimes I felt as though I was talking to nothing but a mirror; I wanted to interact with you in a different manner, on a different level. I was glad to have you around nonetheless, as you provided me with a sense of connection to the community. Seeing other people take interest in you, start talking about you, playing with you, discovering you, was such an exciting part of my life!

The year is 1996, you had hardly turned 7, 
(1996 - present)
People were already talking about you all throughout the community. Have you heard, they have started calling you the 'Internet'! To me, you will always be my 'Web 1.0'. Probably 'Web 2.0' now though, haha. You have turned into a this confident, sociable teenager! Now, with you communicating with us, it adds this whole new dimension to you. It was probably a matter of time that that would happen anyway, but I could never imagine you being anything else.

With you growing up, I started to recognize that you were your own unique person. All the different experiences you told me about, when compared to mine. You made me realize the importance, of valuing you and the people around me as 'Individuals' in a community. The opinions and ideas that I once drowned out of my head, were now taken into consideration by me. You were the one, that opened my mind to other people's opinions.

However, sometimes you were swayed by bad company, and got influenced to make the wrong decisions. It did not help that you were unwilling to tell on them, even when you were caught red-handed. It was so hard to believe you at times, when your reputation has been hurt so badly. I still believed in you, regardless of what has happened. My advice to you is to learn how to discern right from wrong, because this world is full of surprises!

What is the future you?
(The future)
Who can say for sure who or what you will become? I myself, can't say for sure! Everything has been going great for you, but I seem to be losing sight of you. All I know, is that I see you start getting assigned more tasks, using more technological gadgets, becoming much more complex. Whilst it is good that you are moving forward, at the same time, it has become so much harder to understand you. It is as though we cannot communicate on the same level anymore. All that information you know is so in-depth and massive that the previous way i interacted with you has to change. Now this isn't to ask you to slow down, or to stop you in your tracks, I am the one that needs to change. I just hope that we reach a common ground soon, so we can interact comfortably with one another once again.

Regardless, you will always be remembered as my 'Web 3.0'.

There is no mistaking it, you are the future of me. Of us. Of the human race.

Have a great one, and many more years ahead!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Individual Topical Review Report

Disruptive innovation:
Makes existing technology redundant
Current way of operating cannot work anymore, radical way of thinking.
“Disruptive change is an irreversible change in your expected future”

Heavy dependence on fossil fuels as main source of energy (way of thinking), even though it contributes to climate change. Questioning the feasibility of this continued dependence?


i. Specific Innovation of Interest: (Solution)
Emergence of “green awareness” through carbon trading mechanisms.

Focus on the US because it has been the forerunner of all innovations, and why it is lagging behind China in developing green tech for now.

ii. Rationale for Selecting this Innovation:
Global climate changes in recent times becoming more and more adverse; Obvious that we cannot continue at our current rate of consumption without considering the detrimental impacts to the environment.

Point 1.
Reasons leading to our current rate of reckless consumption

Point 1a. (“Scarcity” or human greed?)
I believe that scarcity is not the reason for our current dilemma, but rather human greed.
1960s space race: ”The sky is the limit”
We have to change our mindsets and realize that scarcity merely is an excuse for greed.

Revenue - costs = profits. Profits lead to expansion. Expansion only leads to further expansion. “The only way is up”. Governments are doing this, businesses are doing this, society is doing this. People are just following this.

Shows the evolution of social minds, and the power of society’s influence

Point 1b. (Imperfect cost allocation affecting “growth”)
Process of allocating costs on fossil fuels inefficient
Through inaccurate measures of economic growth (did not take into account the costs to the planet, just basic costs within society), and hence the evolution of societal wants in accordance to this.

Looking at the distorted free-market mechanism, cost of fossil fuels vs cost of green energy.

See how the costs of fossil fuels were priced during the late 1800s.

Summary Point 1.
 “Growth (noun): The act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase”
“Greed (noun): The excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or material possessions”

One has positive connotations within the word, the other has negative connotations, yet greed could be passed off as aggressive growth.

Shows that the reckless consumption is a vicious cycle of human greed, leading to growth, which in turn, encourages human greed for even more things.

An interesting video about human greed hiding behind a smokescreen termed economic growth, and how this "bubble" is about to burst:

Where is the limit?

Point 2. (Technology at the point of consumption explosion)
Perhaps the reason why we are in such deep trouble, is due to the fact that the technology available to us, at that point in time, was not advanced enough to support green technology? Or could it be that it was simply never considered significant enough in our mind this entire time?

I believe tipping point would be the Industrial Revolution, when production capabilities flew through the roof.

Point 2a. (Technology’s fault, or lack there-of)
Need to look at technologies during the Industrial Revolution and compare it with existing green technologies. Steam engines was the innovation of that time, could it have been used to power wind turbines/hydroelectric dams?

See whether it COULD HAVE been done in the past.
See also if it WAS done in the past.

Point 2b. (Society’s fault, ignorance towards unsustainability?)
Or could it have been just because it was too “expensive” to do so?
People did not care about sustainable development, main aim was to increase production capabilities.
Did not want to “waste resources” investing in R&D for something that was not a main concern.
Opportunity cost of falling behind others in sales was too great to bear, companies believed they should “worry only when other people worry”?

Specializations of countries during Industrial Revolution and how it was geared towards efficiency of production rather than innovations.

Summary Point 2.
-Depends on research, to be continued-

iii. Proposed approach to development of paper:
   Executive Summary (a brief stand-alone synopsis/abstract of your paper)
The degradation of the world started with the noble intention of improving living standards across the globe, making the world a better place for us to live in. However, looking at the condition of the world today, one would be shocked at the power of reckless human greed. The climate crisis today is the consequence of a world suffering from consideration without deliberation.

If our greatest mistake began centuries ago, we have to stand up and correct it. In order to continue moving forward, we need to look at the past. We cannot adopt the old framework of only looking at improving our standard of living, but rather we need to look at improving living in a sustainable manner. This paper aims to critically analyze issues such as the viability of green technology during the Industrial Revolution, and the free-market mechanisms that have been in place even before then, that might have led to decades of wrong decision making building on inaccurate market information and sentiments at that point of time.


   Background/Introduction (Fossil fuels)
Basic barter trade started. 1 for 1 initially, before people started to attach inherent Value to each good. E.g. 1 cow for 1 sack of wheat, to maybe 5 sacks of wheat.

Widespread adoption of money allowed people to purchase different goods they once didn’t need. Encouraged specialization in areas, to be able to produce more of what they are good at producing. Earn more, consume more.

Market value affected by demand and supply, will always tend to even each other out. If supply is increased, value dips, demand will naturally increase in tandem due to gains from cost price.

Prior to Industrial revolution, the tipping point.
Inception of the steam engine increased capacity for production. Production capabilities flew through the roof. Since more stuff (increased supply) was available, people looked to consume more stuff (increased demand).

However, inaccurate valuation of the costs of production has led to incorrect decision-making and improving on errors to make them better errors.

This hasn’t changed since.

Hopefully with the introduction of carbon credits, things will change.
Since the focus is on fossil fuels contributing to climate change,
They can do this through either
1.Burning of fossil fuels (i.e. Greenhouse gas emissions) or
2.Their products  (i.e. Irresponsible waste disposal, CFC gas from fridges)

   Historical Perspective (ie where we have come from – prior to the introduction of the innovation)

Point 1.
Looking at the history behind fossil fuels and how it came to be used with the technology we have.

Point 1a. (Producing energy from fossil fuels in the past, 1800s)
Industrial Revolution age, fossil fuels were burnt and used to generate steam to power the steam engines. Later on, AC generator was developed by Nikolai Tesla to generate electricity through turbines.

Past way of generating electricity from fossil fuels:

Point 1b. (Efficiency of energy use in products)
-depends on the research, to be continued-

-depends on the research, to be continued-

General history of fossil fuels:
Variety of products made through the use of fossil fuels as time goes by:


   Current Situation (ie where we are today – how the innovation has changed things)
Point 1.
Fossil fuels (mainly coal-burning) generate electricity. Electrical energy can be channeled into almost any source. 9999 ways to use electricity but only 1 plausible way to generate it!

Point 1a. (Producing energy from fossil fuels, in the present)
Today, fossil fuels are used in electricity plants. Much more efficient, but used in large quantities = much more pollution.

Present way of generating electricity from fossil fuels:
Efficiency of using fossil fuels vs in the past:

Point 1b. (Products that use fossil fuels effectively)
People were thinking of only different ways of using electricity, maximizing its efficiency in production, rather than maximizing its potential in sustainable energy.

IPP Toolbox from the EU

Summary Point 1.
-depends on research-
Havent realized that costs are much higher than actually allocated, when environmental costs are included.

Shows effect of carbon taxes on products:


   Future Considerations (ie where we might go – how you foresee things going in future)

Fossil fuels – characterized by low costs of production, high payouts

Point 1.
I believe we are going towards yet another “fossil fuel”, nuclear energy.
Why? Low costs, high efficiency, but haven’t found a way to dispose of waste material. Many countries now trying to utilize this new source of energy rather than green tech.

Shows the viability of nuclear energy through its costs
Comparison of fossil fuels vs nuclear energy (Table):
Shows widespread acceptance of nuclear energy in recent months rather than green technology, due to the distorted market forces, even though there are many social implications.

Point 2.
Better alternative would be to head towards green technology.

Point 2a. (Producing green energy)
Green tech in producing the energy: e.g. Solar/Wind/Hydroelectric power

Shows the amount of carbon emissions vs fossil fuels.

Point 2b. (Products utilizing green energy effectively)
Green tech in utilizing the energy: e.g. electric cars

However, it even though it is reliable and efficient, the general acceptance of green technology is not there yet.
How China has not changed consumerism patterns towards green tech:

Summary (Point 1 vs Point 2).
Green technologies currently not viable, but its only because of inefficient allocation of resources towards the cause. Even though, in actual fact, green energy might have actually been cheaper than fossil fuels decades ago, inertia to change might have led to its downfall.

Shows the cost of producing green energy vs traditional (fossil fueled) energy
Graphic representation of energy consumption over the years, also talks about green energy vs fossil fuels:



Point 1. (Dependency on fossil fuels)
“Pandora’s box cannot be closed. We cannot live without the fact that nuclear energy had not been discovered. It is one of the ingredients of our technological age...” (Source:
Even though we have recognized the banes of fossil fuels, it is so closely integrated with technology today that its benefits cannot be ignored. Given that centuries have passed with the same cost model in place, it would take years, probably decades, for companies to adapt to the new move to green technology (if there was one). Just like how most smokers need to go through rehabilitation before they can quit smoking, our “addiction” to fossil fueled energy will take awhile before we can say we are free.

Point 2. (Negligence of “nature’s” cost)
We need to realize that there has been a cost that has always been left out: the cost to nature. We have always neglected the fact that the activities we do, might have an impact on the environment around us, thinking that the world can sort itself out. Irresponsible dumping of waste (e.g. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch) has contributed to one of the many problems we face now.

We know what has to be changed, and know it can be changed, but we need to believe it can be changed. For this continuum to happen, mindsets must be open to change. We need to adapt to the turbulent times ahead of us, for the good of the human race.



Friday, 9 September 2011

"Masters" of technology, the World as our slave?

Today's Lesson (Brief Overview/Summary)
Today more or less wrapped up the basic concept behind technology, and how it has come to become such an integral part of everyday lives.

From lesson 1,
Key points: Introduction to technology, the must-knows and should-know
We viewed the historical timeline of technology, tracing the human race as we bumbled our way through time. Fast-forwarding to present time, we looked across borders and compared the socio-economical imbalances between different countries.

Yali, with his now famous saying,
"Why you white men have so much cargo, while we New Guineans have so little?"

We realized that there were many factors that could have contributed to the situation today, with varying degrees of importance in certain countries based on their natural comparative advantages in resources. We all agreed on one thing though, the incorporation of technology was the key for this said exponential divide. The ability to capitalize on these advantages propelled them way ahead of the pack.

From lesson 2,
Key points: Dominance, tech-driven vs need-driven innovation
Having looked at the advantage some countries had over others, we now put those countries on the hot seat. How did they manage to retain their dominance even as there were others trying to catch up? Was it through influence (Pax Americana) or control (Pax Romana)? This freedom of choice was our focal point as we looked at different methods of governing: Capitalists vs Socialists.

Need-driven innovations were deemed as a "valley" product whilst tech-driven innovations were deemed as "summit" and "cloud" products respectively. This is because of the nature of need-driven innovations, who seek to improve on existing products which are already widely sold in the market, using existing technology and thus maintaining status quo in technological developments.

Coming to lesson 3,
Key points: Unsustainable Industrialization, Innovation management.
We looked at the impact of industrialization on the entire world, and how the extent of the benefits experienced was subjective to different countries not evenly distributed across the board. It was mainly due to the fact that countries started at different points of industrial development around the globe ("late comer benefits") as well the natural advantages which was inherent in each country, that led to different areas of specialization.

It's interesting how we immediately came to the common consensus about how industrialization was unsustainable, but yet agreed that nothing significant had been done to fix this problem. We could not draw the line where this "bad" had brought us enough "good"; We are not willing to give up our way of living even though it was killing the environment around us; We are the own cause of our downfall today. That is why we look to innovations, something new that fulfills the same needs as existing products, but yet contain improvements from the old one. We also looked at effective models to help manage these innovations, from inception to production to actually marketing the product. Prof's R-D-A concept provided an elaborate framework on to analyze the development of the product, every step of the way.

Today, looking at lesson 4,
Key points: Drivers of World Change, Change management and leadership
We looked at the many pressing issues globally today, at possible causes, what the present and future holds for us. We also looked at the starkly different processes of management and leadership on how to effect these changes.

Driver: "Someone or something in a position of control, to steer the direction in which its intent is headed towards."

In the case of citing environmental issues as a driver of world change, it means that we have relinquished all control to fate basically. Physical factors such as rising global temperatures are possibly causing people to migrate to countries with cooler climates.

In class, we agreed that scarcity was the main reason, but I would say that human greed, is the root cause of it all. Even with fossil fuels being utilized to its limit, it hasn't stop us from consuming what we desire. It has only meant that finite resources has led to us looking towards new renewable technology, to help fund our infinite wants and needs. Our short-sightedness and selfishness in achieving goals like economic growth, has led us to face the consequences of our actions, decades down the road.

Humans are no longer masters of the world, not when we might eventually have nothing left to control. 

This is the reason why we need change, we need to stop going down the same road we have for decades. We need a leader rather than a manager at this point of time.
But, until we actually have a revolutionary, a leader who stands up and is able to effect the change we need, I guess we have no choice but to accept the fact that humans are not going to be a Driver of world change anytime soon.

Key take-away points (Lesson 4):
1. Drivers of world change and its consequences are dire if we continue at the path we are on at this point of time.
2. We know what must be changed, but we must believe it can be changed! Mindsets from the traditional  way of living is our biggest detriment in moving forward today.

Today we actually covered many areas, and I think class discussions were quite engaging. Hence, I don't think we missed anything new, and managed to summarize everything.

Overall, I would rate this session an 8/10 because it ultimately helped to broaden our viewpoints to see the big picture.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

How technology came to be

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."  ~Albert Einstein

Looking back to the 1780s..
The Industrial Revolution has always been considered to be the biggest jump into the world of technology. I mean, the world literally dived headfirst into technology. Economies started booming at the beams, trade was better than ever. Production was increased, factories all around the world were trying to incorporate machines into their production lines. Look at what machines had been doing for them, there was no doubt that any form of machines = good. Machines, machines, machines: Everyone suddenly knew what was the future of the world, it just had to be machines! Did they really?

Decades later, in the 1800s. Machines, Overcrowded Labor-intensive factories, Poor working conditions. Why did they come together during the industrial revolution? The steam engine had already been invented in the 1760s, but why weren't people maximizing the fullest potential of that technology in their factories. Wasn't the basis of the entire revolution supposed to help people attain better living conditions?

Is this how everyone envisioned things to be at first? Or was everyone just "going with the flow", too timid to stand up to the widely accepted view that people aren't as important as the economy is?

Slowly but surely, through the transfer of knowledge and technology, people started realizing that things need not be that way. In the 1900s, we moved from labor-intensive machinery to more capital-intensive machinery, and standards of living improved. This could have been done ages ago if people weren't so concerned about profits and productivity, only focusing on how to maximize efficiency rather than maximizing the potential the machines had. It took an entire person's lifetime before we decided that we have had enough of disastrous living conditions!

Fast-forwarding back to the present, can we say that we have totally moved on? I think not. We might have better technologies, but our way of thinking is still the same. Profits is king. Up until today, we are still suffering from the "Industrial Revolution" mindset. Recently, people have started hailing nuclear energy as the next big source of energy, projecting it to supply 13 to 14 percent of the world's energy. However, the disposal of the waste generated is becoming a problem. To quote from Wikipedia, "there are over 430 locations around the world where radioactive material continues to accumulate.". Why are we continuing on something which we know is not sustainable at the rate we are going? Is this going to be the next "Industrial Revolution"?

Why create solutions to problems, when we can just imbue the solution into the problem from the start? We need to change our mindsets, profits are not everything. Sustainability should be, both in the standard of living as well as the usage of energy.

There are many ways to go about this, but one way of doing this I learnt today, is through the R-D-A framework for innovations. Every new innovation is a baby, and it needs to be nurtured from its inception to its deathbed! Lack of any of the RDA steps would lead to incomplete development. Ultimately, whether it becomes something great, or a fruitless burden, whether it becomes a "valley" product or a "cloud" product, lies in how we handle our "newborn".

Key take-away lessons:
1. Blindness might be a disability, but following others blindly is even worse!
2. Technology is not just a subject matter, nor is it just a machine; It is a process which requires time to develop and innovate to perfection.

I think that today we covered many points and I don't think we missed any.

Overall, I would rate this session a 7/10.